SenLife delivers game-changing reports that help neurodiverse families advocate for their rights.
Is your child awaiting a diagnosis? Or do you think he might need one but are unsure? Is your child diagnosed but you want to track progress and prepare for EHCP review meetings?
We enable you to record in 30 secs a daily diary, with SenLife doing the work to understand patterns, analyse behaviours and create reports to help you with your child at home, school or with all medical appointments. Invite other carers or teachers to get a 360 degree view of what is going on with your child.
SenLife is personal. The idea came from a passion to make a real change, by people who are living every day with ND family members. Our founders are all parents and carers of ND children.
All of our stories are different, but every one of them has the same common theme - living with, or caring for, a child with a neurodiverse condition/s is completely life changing. We also know from experience that getting any form of meaningful neurodiverse support can be a challenge and at times feels almost impossible.
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